Salaam Page Turners,
I hope you are doing well.
I can’t actually believe how quickly Ramadan has gone. I feel like I say this every year but this year I have actually felt it. It has gone quicker than I wanted it to. I really wanted to achieve the goals that I set out at the start of the month and unfortunately, I have only achieved a few I realised I was putting pressure on myself to have a kind of ‘perfect Ramadan’ by achieving these goals and being on top of everything but life says that is not how it works. My biggest goal was re-connecting and I feel like I have found that to a certain extent. I am really scared of Ramadan ending and going back to square one but I just have to remind myself that Ramadan is a reflection of what I could do all year round I just have to put the effort and time in. I write this as today is the 27th of Ramadan also known as the night of power. It was the night when the Qur’an was revealed and this night was mentioned in the Qur’an ‘search for Laylatul-Qadr in the odd nights of the last ten nights of Ramadan.’
Alhamdullilah I have finished my completion of the Qur’an so my focus now is making dua. There is so much power in dua and when I make dua it is a time when I feel the closest to God. Praying Tahajjud is another method of something so simple yet so meaningful. Giving charity, especially on the last nights of Ramadan. Believing in your prayers and actually understanding your prayers are what I want to focus on.
I pray for everyone’s heart to be healed this Ramadan, I pray for us to carry this high into Shawal and beyond. I pray our zakat, our prayers our heartfelt dua’s are accepted. I pray that this Ramadan our fasts are accepted and insha’allah we will witness the next one. Please make continuous dua, keep the ummah and the oppressed in your dua’s and also me (haha).
Ramadan Mubarak. (Hold on to every second of these last few days as long as you can).
With Love and Dua’s,
Fiz @Every Page She Turns.