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My Ramadan reflection

Updated: May 27, 2022

Ramadan has come to an end and as we come into a new Islamic month, I wanted to do a reflection.

Ramadan consists of fasting but this month the soul is nourished not by food but by faith. It is a month that allows us to truly feel and an insight into how the less fortunate feel, and because of this it makes us thankful for all the privileges and blessings we have and that we take for granted. It gives us a chance to practice self-control and discipline.

For me this month was tough, it was a time when I was getting re-acquainted with my faith and my journey of becoming closer to Him. It was a time when I allowed myself to really reflect on my life and really just return back to Islam with a heavy heart, and every day is a new day, every day brings its own challenges, but I can say I am trying. There is this quote that says ‘know that Allah’s door is never closed and so long as you continue to knock and crawl towards it, even with difficulty he will match it with that which you cannot fathom.’ It’s a quote that allows me to keep pushing for His sake. It makes me realise that life doesn’t ever have stability, but you will always have stability with your Lord. No matter how far you come away from your faith, the day you turn back, He is there, no matter how much you have sinned, if you seek forgiveness with the right intentions, He will forgive you.

I always long for Ramadan because of this. It grounds me, it brings me back to Islam, and it gives me a chance to start again. It teaches me patience it teaches me, love, it teaches me happiness. It is a spiritual cleanse for me, to re-charge and reflect and make new intentions. There is a misconception about Ramadan that it's just about fasting, about starving yourself for 19 hours but I wish I could explain how much Ramadan changes me, heals me, how much I long for it and when it ends it’s a sad departure.

I am glad we have the six Shawwal fasts to keep and the fasts we have missed to keep. So I pray that we remain in the Ramadan glow, staying in Ibadah, reading the Qur’an daily, praying on time, learning to forgive and love freely. I pray that Allah SWT forgives us, accepts our fast and remain steadfast on His deen, and leads us away from temptation and sinning. I sincerely pray we are allowed to witness another month of Ramadan next year; I pray Allah grants us the strength to do good deeds and stay away from all sins and distractions. I pray Allah protects and guides us all to become closer to Him. Ameen

But for now, Alhamdullilah we have completed Ramadan may we be able to experience it next year. That is my Ramadan Diaries 2022 complete.

With Love and Dua’s,

Fiz @Every Page She Turns.

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