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  • fizrabibi

Update #8

Hi Page Turners,

September the arrival of Autumn. However it didn’t feel like it because it was unusually a hotter September than usual. It was unusual but I loved it because who doesn’t love extra sun. The arrival of autumn means a physical and literal new start, resets from organising my diary to changing bed sheets to cleaning up the shed and packing stuff so the rain and damp don’t get into it. It also marks the time academically a fresh start.

I am not sad that I am not studying this year because I really needed a break because I was getting to a burnt out stage. However, I definitely want to continue educating myself and learn new things and write essays on literature and go down research rabbit holes (but without having to reference so precisely).

Reading Know Your Place was eye opening and really made me aware of this fallacy we as society have created and placed on social mobility. I think going forward I definitely want to read up on this and kind of create more awareness for others because for those who are in my situation who know just the basics it is important to know what it is. Because it is the start of Autumn, I do want to start writing essays again but ones that I get to pick the topic and question.

I also have a few to-do’s because I want to refresh this blog and give it a new look because it has been about three-ish years since I last touched it. My blog was something I use consistently and due to uni and work it is something I pushed to the side and really now I only post monthly. I want to start using my blog regularly and other platforms such as my newsletter and LinkedIn more regularly so I can fall in love with what I started. I neglected my blog for far too long so I have decided to reclaim it. I want to post at least once a week so it is something that is doable and consistent and I want to really create content that I can look back on and be proud of. Thank you all for reading and being with me for this long reading and supporting my posts and I hope you continue to do so in the future.

I hope you all had an awesome month in September and if you want to get weekly updates about what I get up to read etc than you can subscribe to my newsletter link below and my monthly reading wrap up is also posted link here-

Comment below of your highs and lows of the month and what are your goals and looking forward to for the next month. As I am refreshing the blog let me know what you want more of and basically any feedback you have.

Thank you for reading and see you for the next update, in the meantime subscribe to my newsletter for weekly updates and to by blog so you can be notified every time I post so you can make sure never to miss a post. (I am sure you won’t want to miss the up coming posts).

Link to newsletter (top link) and other socials-

With Love and Dua’s,

Fiz @Every Page She Turns.

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