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  • fizrabibi

Update #6

Hi Page Turners,

An update of what went on in July. So July was a massive month for me, the start of Wimbledon which for the first two weeks went so quick because of watching tennis but also because it was the countdown to uni results. So I used tennis as a distraction to not think of what was coming. I enjoyed it so much and it was the first time that I watched it whilst being properly into it.

Also it was slightly depressing month due to the weather it was historically the wettest month and because it is the season of summer I think it is a crime that it rains (even though it is England and of course rain is expected). When I finally did get my results it was a sigh of relief I didn't know that I carried a sort of held in breath (if that makes sense) during the lead up to the day because of how much the result held to me. It was four years worth of work, sweat, tears. It was all I thought about and honestly that result meant finalised everything. The completion to the undergraduate, and the start of something new. With my A Levels I didn't feel like because I jumped straight into uni whereas with this I am taking a year out (so I say) before starting post-grad study and I don't have any work lined up. It was a surreal feeling because I didn't feel exactly elated with my result (which I should have done and acknowledged that it was a great result) but I felt numb and in the coming days I also felt really panicked thinking what do I do next.

The next few weeks I kind of distracted myself with taking up knitting (which was on my bucket list) and catching up on netflix and spending time with my neices and nephews.

Going into August I think what I am going to spend some time on is looking what I want to do next planning and taking some time out to explore my options. I also want to make the most of the holidays that are left and actually I want to start writing again. It has been two/three years since I last wrote anything so I do want to pick it up again.

There you have it a little bit of a dump of what went on in July. Let me know what you got up too in July. As always I would love to know what you get up too. Check out my monthly wrap up in the month of July here-

and if you liked reading my monthly updates be sure to check out my newsletter where I update weekly straight to your inbox and my other socials below.

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Have an amazing month in August.

With Love and Dua's

Fiz @Every Page She Turns.

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