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  • fizrabibi

My 5 year journal

365 questions- 5 years- 1,825 Answers

I am finally journaling. I have been wanting to journal forever but struggled to commit to it. Since I was young my dad encouraged me to keep a diary (really for the nostalgic aspect- of looking back at it, writing down favourite memories, places I went to etc). And ever since then I always have (with some years I missed out). That is where I got my journaling itch from. I think keeping a diary is really just keeping track of what you have done and certain things you want to take note of, but with a journal, it digs deeper than that. When I came across this journal, I thought it was perfect for me as the prompts were already there and it is something that I can commit to and won’t easily give up. The description that enticed me to get it was… ‘This journal was created to help you make a time capsule of the next five years of your life in the simplest way possible. Simply turn to today’s date and take a few moments to answer the question at the top of the page. When you finish the year, move on to the next section. As the years go by, you’ll notice how your answers evolve.’ I think that is the main thing I am interested in, is to see how every year my answers evolve, or not, and of course to get in the habit of journaling and hopefully have the confidence to carry it on. Follow my journey, the ups and downs of it, hopefully over the next five years (that sounds so scary). I feel also this is such an exciting way to do it that I look forward to it, rather than the feeling of dread and it is a chore. Will keep you updated with how it goes and a sneak peek at some questions and answers.

With Love,

Fiz @Every Page She Turns.

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