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The Books I Read in May 2023

Hi Page Turners,

This is a slightly late post for my May wrap-up but nevertheless, it is here. What did you read last month, any favourites or five start reads let me know in the comments below. These are all the books I read during May, I managed to read 11 books so let’s go through them.

I was in need of a chick-lit book and last year I picked up -Love for beginners(review by Jill Shalvis and it ended up on one of my favourite reads of the year so I had to pick another book from the same series (all can be read as a standalone). Rainy day friends is a great escapism book however I didn’t enjoy it as much as -insert book- but I did enjoy it. Review here-

I then went on to read a non-fiction economics book. Don’t look away because I hate maths as well so why did I pick this book up you say? I picked up this book to educate myself in economics and further better my understanding of money/politics/government spending etc. This was great… but too basic for me I feel like this should be aimed at teens more. However, I did learn some things that I previously didn’t know but I do want to continue educating myself in economics. If any book recs for economic-type books let me know- review-

The Palace Papers has been on my TBR since last year and I thought the timing couldn’t be better as I picked it up during the coronation of King Charles III. I really enjoyed it and it gave me such a different perspective of the royals as a whole, highly recommend it is basically a detailed and accurate written form of The Crown. Review here-

I was seeking some escapism again, and thought I could trust Colleen Hoover to provide it for me however I was wrong Maybe Not is probably the worst book I have read of hers- review here:

My first crime read of the month was written by Gillian McAllister- a slow read to start with for me however stick with it because it really messes with your mind and I ended up loving it and giving it a four stars- review here:

My first memoir of the month was Love Pamela by Pamela Anderson I went in totally blind with this one and I already know it is going to be on my favourite list at the end of the year. Currently watching her doc on Netflix too. Review here-

I received an ARC from Josh Roberts called Natalie a crime/thriller that I absolutely loved find my full review here-

Make it Happen is a non-fiction manifestation book (separate post about this topic to come) similar thoughts to the economics book it was very basic and it was more memoir/type-ish with the author telling her own story rather than the topic itself. Another topic I really want to educate myself on.

I then read a classic re-telling of Jane Eyre by Rachel Hawkins called The Wife Upstairs if you have read Jane Eyre then I think you can guess what it is going to be about. At first, I thought it was going to be good but when I finished the book I didn’t like it at all.

One Of The Girls by Lucy Clarke is a thriller about a girl's trip gone wrong have to say maybe coming off a slump was the reason why I didn’t like it as much as I wanted to.

The next book I read was All I said was True by Imran Mahmood a crime thriller I think the blurb lead me to believe it was going to be a really good fast-paced mystery/thriller but it was slow and actually I just couldn’t wait to be done with it- find my review here-

These are the books I have read in May let me know how your reading month went and what is on your June TBR.

This month I also completed my Goodreads challenge that I set myself which was 73 books. What is your goal that you have set yourself let me know in the comments below.

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Fiz @Every Page She Turns.

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