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The Books I Read in June 2023

Hi Page Turners,

If you are subscribed to my newsletter (link) you will know that I ended my reading month with the feeling like I am in a slump. For bookish people this is the worst feeling picking up books and just feeling that awful feeling. Saying that I did read a few good books during this month so this is what I read this month.

Old Babes in the Wood- Margaret Atwood- I actually started out the month with a few great reads a short story collection from one of my favourite authors and of course it didn’t let me down. I gave it four stars and you can find my review here-

Iron Widow- Kiran Jay Zhag- In general I am not the biggest fan of Sci-Fi but I will always pick it up so I went into this blind and honestly I just skim read it because I just wasn’t that interested in it.

The Fall- Louise Jensen- Easily one of my favourite thriller/crime novel of the year the author is an auto buy because her work is amazing and this didn’t disappoint this was a five star read you can find my review here.

The Garnett Girls- Georgina Moore- This honestly gave me vibes of The Paper Palace which was one of my favourite reads last year but this is where my slumpy feeling came because this just left me wanting to dnf it but I ended up skim reading it.

I’m A Fan- Sheena Patel- This was a great, thought provoking very weird read a lot like when I read a Sally Rooney book it was great- find my full review here.

After I Do- Taylor Jenkins Reid- sighs, TJR again one of those auto buy authors and this is one of her earlier works and it shows because it was predictable, cliché and one of those I wanted to dnf also reminded me of Colleen Hoover’s All Your Perfects- I recommend that over this though.- Review here-

Love In Colour- Bolu Babalola- Another short story collection I picked up this time in the form of retellings, one thing I absolutely love reading. And Babalola delivered I can’t wait to read more by this author and it is so refreshing to read something like this as well.- Full review here.

The Stranger in the lifeboat- Mitch Albom- I think I would have enjoyed this book more if I wasn’t in a slump so definitely one for the re-read when I am not in a slump but also because his writing was very heartfelt.

Heartbones- Colleen Hoover- The last CoHo book I picked up I hated so she had to redeem herself and she did because I did really enjoy this book but I didn’t love it and you can read my review to find out why-

The Island of Missing Trees- Elif Shafak- One of my favourite reads from last year I picked up the audio book version and of course I loved it. It kept me company for the last month. Check out the PB review here- the audio book review is coming soon.

Night Crawling- Leila Mottley- Another book where I feel I would have enjoyed had I not been in a slump I loved the way it started her writing is amazing however toward the end of the book I was just feeling a big meh.

Together- Julie Cohen- This kind of got me out of a slump a book that has been on my shelf for a while and I did really love the book but another one I think I would have appreciated more had I not been in a slump.

Rumours- Freya North- I don’t even want to discuss this book because I just skim read it.

So there it is all thirteen books I read in June. I hope July will be a better reading month for me and when I write my wrap-up it will be a more positive and more recommendations for your tbr. Let me know in the comments below how your reading month went and what you do to get over a slump.

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With Love and Dua’s

Fiz @Every Page She Turns.

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