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The Books I Read in January 2023

Hey Page Turners,

this is the first of my bookish updates and it is my first monthly roundup. I thought instead of doing a whole yearly round up (which I will continue to do) I thought I will also show you an insight in what I read monthly. This month I have read 22 books. I carried on 4 books that I started in December and because they are a mix of audiobook/eBooks I got through them pretty quick. I liked the mix I read this month, non-fiction auto bio's, crime/mystery/thriller reads, literary fiction, classics (set texts for uni) and of course my re-reads. I made a goal this year to re-read my favourite books and I started with the young adult fantasy by Melinda Salisbury.

My favourites of the month- (click on link to read the reviews written)

Re-read State of Sorrow/Song of Sorrow

Literary fiction- The Startup Wife, French Braid

Non-fiction- Tom Daley, Diana

Poetry, Dearly

Crime- Truth Be Told, The Boy Friend, The Khan

Classic, The Gold Soldier, Selected Stories.

These are all the books I read in January, what was your favourite read of January? I am also taking part in the Popsugar reading challenge again. My goal of 23 books in this month I read 2 books towards that goal-

I think Febuary I am going to start slowing down because of uni work and other work and of course it is a shorter month but also it is always about the quality and not the quantity.

Hope you enjoyed reading my January wrap up let me know in the comments about your reading during this month.

With Love and Dua's

Fiz @Every Page She Turns.

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