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The Books I Read in April 2023

Hey, Page Turners,

What has your reading month been like and what were your favourite/worst reads? This month has probably been my worst reading month- because I read the least- but it was to be expected because it was Ramadan, and I didn’t pick up as many books. Let’s break them down and go through each one.

I started with A Day of Fallen Night by Samantha Shannon- review here-

My thinking of starting with an eight hundred + book was that it would slow my reading down and allow me to savour the book and really just take my time reading it. Instead, the prequel to The Priory was so much more devour-able that I think it took me just over a week to read. I think this has to be my favourite book that I read in April and now thinking back to it I still can’t get over how good it actually is. I highly recommend it (can be read as a standalone so if you want to start with this, then by all means but reading The Priory first means you get to appreciate and devour Night more. If you do pick it up let me know what you think and if you agree with me.

A Woman is No Man- Etaf Rum- review here-

A book that I had really high expectations for but I came away from it a little disappointed. Overall I enjoyed it but my disappointment clouds over my reading experience. I gave it a 3.2 stars you can read my full review by clicking the link above.

What Eden Did Next- review here-

I actually went into this book really enjoying it and it gave me vibes of Dorothy Koomson, but then it got to the middle and I just felt like I knew exactly how this is going to end and it felt way too cliché and predictable. I ended up skim-reading the book because when I reached the end of the book I went yep I knew that was going to happen. It was an okay book.

The Last Party- Clare Mackintosh- review here-

I am in a slumpy mood now because this is another book for which I had high expectations because her other books were delivered to such a high standard. I don’t know if I would have enjoyed this more had I not read What Eden Did Next before I picked this up but I felt this was written really well and the plot was there but I just knew how it was all going to play out. Obviously not everything but it was easy to predict. I think I would carry on with the series because I did like (well ish) the characters and I am intrigued as to how the author is going to carry on with the series.

Stuff Happens- David Hare

A play/verbatim (should I say satire) of the political events of the invasion of Iraq. I think with any play you can’t judge the writing without watching it live. Did I like the play, I won’t say either yes or no I am going to leave this open-ended because you can make your own judgement of what you think.

The Long Song- Andrea Levy

A must-read book. This a story I wish my history teachers had given me to read because it teaches you about the slavery trade and racism much more better than they could ever do justice to. Still such an important book and I think it would do everyone good to read this book once in their lifetime. I have put it on my re-read shelf just because I was coming out of a slump and didn’t appreciate it properly.

Let me know how your month went reading-wise. What books did you pick up, any favourites, or any recommendations I should know about? With the weather picking up in May hopefully, my reading in May will also be better. If you haven’t already be sure to subscribe to my newsletter where you can have updates weekly about my reading and other things and you can of course follow me on my other socials. Just click the link below 😊

What books are on your tbr/or that you are going to be reading in May let me know down below. I will see you next month with more bookish updates until then hope you have a lovely and productive reading month.

With Love and Dua’s

Fiz @Every Page She Turns.

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