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Recap #4/5

Hi Page Turners,

Welcome to another RECAP and the wrap up of the months of May and June.

The picture above is all the books that I read over May and June and below I will do a breakdown of what I read in each month and picking only my favourites which are predominantly four and five star reads. Comment below what books you read over the last two months and if you found any favourites or if you are dying to recommend a book go ahead I am always on the look out to expand my reading list. If you have read any of the books mentioned click on the link to take you to my full review and leave a comment if you agree/disagree with my review and let me know your thoughts as well.

May 2024

One of us Is Back- Karen M. McManus

One of us Is Back is the last installment in the series. I didn’t re-read the series before picking this up so I don’t know if that was why I wasn’t overly excited by it. I liked the conclusion of it but I honestly don’t remember half of the characters. I also think because I watched the series recently I kept comparing it to that. Overall it was a good albeit underwhelming conclusion to the story.

Will- Will Smith and Mark Manson

I loved this book! I listened to the audio of this book narrated by Will himself and it was so entertaining and so interesting. It is basically a chronical narration of Will’s life and all his accolades and achievements thus far. I really loved his work ethic how hard he had to work to get to where he is. His love and loyalty to his family and friends and how he is shaped by them but also seeks their validations. I also loved his teachings and tips he picked up and of course just his natural banter and his life.

The Book of Fire- Christy Lefteri

A heart wrenching and realistic book on climate change, complacency and exploitation. A book that made me realise Elizabeth Gilbert was right and that I had wanted to write this book. Lefteri is an amazing writer and this is my third book of hers and it really reminded me of Elif Shafak’s writing as well. Centered around a family and how they deal with their whole life taken away because of a fire, love, loss and survival. Really well written and an emotional read, read my review here-

Exiles by Jane Harper

You can tell a writer is talented when you can read books from a series as a stand alone. I think this is third or second check in the series and it read like a stand alone. I only noticed half way through when I updated my Goodreads and it came on their. A detective coming back to his friends small town community can he shed light or even solve a missing persons case that has long been dormant. Such a riveting and gripping read (it was also really hot so will be remembered as one of my first books I read under a blue sky of the year). Highly recommend and will for sure go back to the start and read the remaining of the books. Read my review here-

No Safe Place- Murdered by our father- Bekhal Mahmod

A non-fiction book I picked up because of watching the ITV drama called Honour. This book gives a voice to Bekhal’s story and tragedy of her father abusing her and her sister who ended up killed by her father’s hand. It is a hard read and such a moving and emotional moment knowing Bekhal got justice for Benaz and continues to work for women in this situation. A must read, read my full review here-

The Prisoner’s Throne- Holly Black

The conclusion to the duology and I was disappointed. I mean it is Holly Black she can never disappoint right? Well, wrong! I think where she really set the story with Wren in the first book the expectations were high and I think had she continued to set the story from Wren’s p.o.v it would have worked. However I was just disappointed, although there is hope for a Jude and Carden reunion in another book maybe. Here is hoping. Read my review here-

Loot by Tania James

A masterpiece! A re-telling of nineteenth century fiction of Tipu Sultan his reign and a wood-maker called Abbas. It was such an immersive and stunning read I loved how it followed Sultan’s reign but also Abbas after Tipu’s death and how he found himself in France and with the ending as well such a beautiful and touching tale. Full review here-

June 2024-

Ace of Spades- Faridah Abike-Iyimide

For fans of One of us Is Back someone who discloses two students secrets to everyone very clever. It was definitely unputdownable I just didn’t enjoy it as much as I wanted to. I loved how they teamed up together to solve it and the history of the parents and why they are targeted, racism, classism and friendship in this book. Review here-

Stories from The Silk Road- Cherry Gilchrist

A short book of retelling stories based on The Silk Road, I loved reading the different stories and definitely was vivid enough to make me imagine how it once would have been. Loved some more than others.

Promise Me- Jill Mansell

I love a Jill Mansell book and this one certainly did not disappoint. A small town community vibe with an elderly person and a young as the central characters. Loved the plot, loved the characters and the ending although predictable was really cute and was also humorous in parts a really fun and enjoyable read.


I am so excited by summer’s arrival. I love summer one of my favourite seasons and just the joy and happiness it brings. Of course being in the UK it is hard to enjoy it as it is overshadowed by rain but because of that I enjoy it more because I appreciate the summer days we have even more. I love reading under the blue sky, having barbeques and making picnic and travelling plans but I just also love the lazy days where you can’t even do anything because of the heat. I am excited to make most of this summer and that also means doing something out of my comfort zone by using this summer to eat more healthily and get more fit but also to enjoy each and every day.

I am also excited for the arrival of Haymitch’s story ‘Sunrise on the Reaping’. It has been reported that The Hunger Games author Suzanne Collins is working on the fifth book and not only that but also the film adaptation. (Screaming and crying!) I can’t wait to get my hands on it and devour it.


This is all the content I am enjoying- essays, articles, videos, social media and long form journalism. Comment below on what you have enjoyed reading/watching/following these past two months.

Who doesn’t love a book list especially one that the books are all modern and that we have mostly read. I love seeing what books I have read and even some inspiration for my next read. What did you think of the list comment down below?

I am really enjoy The Turkish Detective series on the BBC the pacing is a bit sketchy but I do like the predictable yet thrilling crimes they have to solve especially with Mehmet’s side job finding out what happened to his former girlfriend a interesting and gripping detective series.

I love listening to commencement addresses given to graduating students. I find them so inspiring and motivational and here is the latest one I listened to by one of the greatest of all time tennis players Roger Federer-


I finally listened to the original series of Serial by Sarah Koenig that tells the story of Adnan and his conviction of murder. It was so gripping and I loved all the extra info on the website I have to say it was my rabbit hole subject but after listening to the audiobook by Rabia Chaudry I have been obsessed with this case and it is just so interesting. Especially as his case has been overturned I just want more episodes of it. You can find it all here-


As I am on this health journey I continually question, research and read upon all health benefits and I love discovering new things whether that be how a morning routine can be beneficial to long term health or volunteering (which I currently do and love) leads to a longer and healthier life. In June the presenter and author Michael Mosley lost his life and if you remember in last month’s update I had read his book the Fast 800, here are some of his top health tips you can read-

My favourites are-

Volunteer to live a longer, healthier life.

Walk backwards to ward of back pain.

Slow your breathing down to sleep better.

Stand on one leg to improve balance.

Read fiction to supercharge brain power.

Practice Yoga to reverse sign of ageing.

Embrace the cold to lower stress levels.

Comment below on your favourite health tips or if you have some unique ones do be sure to let me know below!

That is my May and June RECAP wrap up complete. I hope you enjoyed reading. Links to my socials including my Goodreads and newsletter is linked below do be sure to subscribe to my blog if you enjoy reading and tell a friend and share it if you do like. In the meantime subscribe to my newsletter for weekly updates and to my blog so you can be notified every time I post so you can make sure never to miss a post. Thank you for reading. 😊

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With Love and Dua’s,

Fiz @Every Page She Turns

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