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  • fizrabibi

23 Things To Do

  1. Watch a sunrise

  2. Yoga outside

  3. Tennis lessons

  4. Cook more

  5. Learn a knitting pattern

  6. Pray more consistently and wholeheartedly

  7. Cold call people-network and connect with people

  8. Write and enter competitions for poetry and writing

  9. Go walking more

  10. Canals

  11. Go down rabbit holes (certain subjects)

  12. Islamic literature and Quran journaling

  13. Read more classic literature and fantasy

  14. Practice gratitude

  15. Morning pages

  16. Podcasts

  17. Daily affirmations

  18. Eat more healthily- meal plan

  19. Post more on blog/Substack and other platforms

  20. Online course- learn something new

  21. Get involved in a community project

  22. Help somebody out every month

  23. Spend quality time doing what they want with nieces and nephews

With Love and Dua’s

Fiz @Every Page She Turns.

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